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8 Beautiful Traits: The Beatitudes

Count your blessings

We should always count our blessings. And the Beatitudes that Jesus taught us from His Sermon on the Mount are 8 beautiful blessings we can count (on) every day. Download my free eBook (value $14.99) - 8 Beautiful Beatitudes: Blessings for Blessings - about how to be blessed in the middle of life's circumstances. It's only 44 pages long - 38 pages of reading. I think you'll find it to be very soothing and calming and will bring peace to your daily living. After you read it, come back and let's have a discussion and Q&A in the comments section below. 

Image courtesy of Sixteen Miles Out via Unsplash

Writing this book has helped me through a hard time in my life, and I hope it helps you and others you know as you practice these traits that Jesus taught us here. And as with all of my other books and blog posts, I love sharing my journeys that may bless you in some way.

Some quotes from Beautiful Beatitudes: Blessings for Blessings:

We learn tender lessons in the valleys and in the wilderness.

And what we learn from those difficult times are more precious than diamonds, which by the way, ... undergo between 1 billion and 3.3 billion years of pressure to become a strong, beautiful gemstone.

I also like to think of the Holy Spirit as my internal Housekeeper. As soon as He moves in, He starts to slowly move out clutter such as anger, unforgiveness, self-centeredness, bad thoughts and starts replacing them with kindness, self-control, self-sacrifice, forgiveness.

We’re developing a pattern and mindset of becoming humble before the Lord so that His will is done and He is honored and glorified.

A pure heart will be childlike, not childish. We should love with no strings attached, trust God in all our circumstances, be eager to help others without expecting anything in return, or bragging about the good deeds we do.

The person (or people) you plant that seed in may eventually learn the value of peace. You can merely plant the seed, but you can’t accept peace for them.

For many, the world is a hard place to live in, and as Christians, it is our duty to make sure we are the light for those who are living in the dark.

The end goal should always be to lead a lost or hurting soul to salvation or acceptable transformation in the way they live.

8 Beautiful Beatitudes
8 Beautiful Beatitudes Cover Page

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Click on the FREE DOWNLOAD button below to get the audio book. Please note this is to be used in tandem with the eBook (download above). Total audio time is 48:55. No external links to additional reading or YouTube videos will be provided in the audio version. Also, the Study Guide provided at the end of each chapter will not be read in the audio book. So, for you to be able to get the full benefits from this, downloading the eBook is recommended. And you don't want to miss the beautiful pictures that give the eBook more emotion. 😉

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You can more easily follow along with the audio file by clicking on the bookmark icon in the PDF so you can click on each chapter without scrolling when the next chapter is read in the audio file.

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You may use portions of this book to quote or paraphrase - up to 1,000 words - without written permission. Please use the following credit when doing so: "From Beautiful Beatitudes: Blessings for Blessings by Patricia Wilson, available as a free download at Used by permission. All rights reserved."

If you want to use more than 1,000 words, you may contact me for written permission by using the contact form on the right side of this page.


May God bless you and keep you in His care,



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